We talk a lot about the minds of millennials, but frankly those kids are getting a little long in the tooth already. There’s a new opinionated generation coming along and they’ll be taking over before you know it. Today we talk to one of them, Mia Wentzel, an 8th grader who found herself intrigued and shocked by the advertising industry of the 1950s and the expectations that Madison Avenue put on the average American housewife.
She put her findings together in a one-woman show for National History Day, a middle-school competition that combines insight with creativity to help kids better understand their nation’s past.
And for the record… Mia did a great job at the regional competition and won a spot at the state-level National History Day competition happening soon. If that goes OK, we’ll be booking a family trip to Washington DC this summer for the final round. I’m, of course, proud like a papa. Wish her luck!
Also on the show:
Stuff I’m listening to: Marie Davidson’s Working Class Woman – (seemed to fit the theme…!) and I’ll sing you out with an original tune called “Mexico”.
Here You Go:
Show Notes:
Some unassailable examples from Mia’s presentation:
For further reading: Betty Friedan, The Feminist Mystique
Featured track from Marie Davidson:
Work It