MATTHEW RENNELS / EPISODE 002: I crossed paths with Matt a few years ago in Sioux Falls, and from the start we had a lot in common. We both chased romance to the academic hinterlands of the Northern Plains, both spent too much time playing guitar in our 20s, and both love the feeling of spilling … Tune In! about Matthew Rennels
I’ll Grant You That
Let's get this conversation started.
All EpisodesHere's Some New Stuff
Mia Wentzel
MIA WENTZEL / EPISODE 001: We talk a lot about the minds of millennials, but frankly those kids are getting a little long in the tooth already. There's a new opinionated generation coming along and they'll be taking over before you know it. Today we talk to one of them, Mia Wentzel, an 8th … Tune In! about Mia Wentzel
Here's the idea - you really can't convince anybody of something new unless you appeal to something they already believe. These days we do a lot of talking past each other, a lot of avoiding each other, a lot of decamping to our own corners where we can feel safe. But we need to get out there, see the other side, be willing to have that awkward conversation. You might not convince me that you're right, but you might make me interested, you might just get me thinking. So give me something... I'll grant you that... and then let's take it somewhere new.
What's this all about?"People spend a lot of speech time simply letting the other person know that they are listening. Conversation is co-operation."
The Economist
"This podcast is kind of about you, and this isn't you. Just be natural."
Mia Wentzel
"I am never satisfied that I have handled a subject properly till I have contradicted myself at least three times; but once must do for this evening."
John Ruskin